Description: Loads documents from an S3 bucket.
Property | Pattern | Type | Deprecated | Definition | Title/Description |
+ implementation | No | const | No | - | Implementation |
+ bucket | No | string | No | - | Bucket |
- region_name | No | string | No | - | Region Name |
- aws_access_key_id | No | string | No | - | Aws Access Key Id |
- aws_secret_access_key | No | string | No | - | Aws Secret Access Key |
- aws_session_token | No | string | No | - | Aws Session Token |
- session_args | No | object | No | - | Session Args |
- pattern | No | string | No | - | Pattern |
1. Property implementation
Title: Implementation
Type | const |
Required | Yes |
Specific value: "S3Loader"
2. Property bucket
Title: Bucket
Type | string |
Required | Yes |
3. Property region_name
Title: Region Name
Type | string |
Required | No |
Default | null |
4. Property aws_access_key_id
Title: Aws Access Key Id
Type | string |
Required | No |
Default | null |
5. Property aws_secret_access_key
Title: Aws Secret Access Key
Type | string |
Required | No |
Default | null |
6. Property aws_session_token
Title: Aws Session Token
Type | string |
Required | No |
Default | null |
7. Property session_args
Title: Session Args
Type | object |
Required | No |
Additional properties | [Any type: allowed] |
Default | {} |
Description: Additional arguments to pass to the boto3 session.
8. Property pattern
Title: Pattern
Type | string |
Required | No |
Default | "**" |