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How to Configure Built-in Components

In a multi-agent system, agents will have vastly different needs. For example, system prompts can be vague or preciese, or you may want to use a variety of LLM models.

Eidolon allows you to configure agents without ever needing to jump into code. You can override deeply nested configuration default, as well as define new custom resources to use as templates.


LLM applications require a ton of tweaking ๐Ÿ”จ. Jumping into code for each and every code means this fiddling is slower and more error-prone. That is why at Eidolon ๐Ÿ‘ป we separated prompting and system configuration into simple kubernetes-like yaml files that can be modified without needing to open up a code editor ๐Ÿ”ก.

Beyond simply speeding up cycle time ๐Ÿš€, this also allows more personas ๐Ÿง‘โ€๐Ÿš’๐Ÿง‘โ€๐Ÿซ๐Ÿง‘โ€๐ŸŽจ to work on the application without needing deep understanding of the codebase ๐Ÿ”ก. This allows different personas to focus on architecture, fine-tuning, model selection, and prompt engineering so each person can focus on their domain expertise without getting bogged down.


Spec Configuration

In Eidolonโ€™s agent yaml files, you can have probably noticed the spec field. This is where you can customize portions of the componentโ€™s configuration.

kind: Agent
name: qa
spec: ...

Field Configuration

You can override component defaults at the individual field or attribute level.

title_generation_mode: "none" # ๐Ÿ”Ž overrides the component's default title_generation_mode

Overriding Implementation Defaults

Most components have a default implementation. Check the Built-in Components โ€œOverviewโ€ and child pages to see the defaults. For example, agents use the SimpleAgent template by default.

You can override implementation defaults, but remember the new contents need to match the new implementationโ€™s spec pattern.

implementation: RetrieverAgent # ๐Ÿ”Ž defines the new component to use
loader_pattern: "**/*.test" # ๐Ÿ”Ž overrides the component's default loader_pattern
# title_generation_mode: "none" # ๐Ÿšจ removed since it is now invalid

Nested Spec Customization

Components can also make References to other components. These subcomponents can be customized as well.

apu: # ๐Ÿ”Ž modify the component's default apu
allow_tool_errors: false # ๐Ÿ”Ž by overriding a portion of the apu spec

Nested Implementation Customization

Of course you can also override nested implementations.

implementation: ConversationalAPU

This implementation pointer override is quite common, so we have added as shortcut for it. If you just specify a string for the reference, we will treat it as an implementation override.

apu: ConversationalAPU

Reusable References

Now component customization is nice for experimentation, but it can get quite verbose if we need to constantly make the same customization to multiple components. For this reason, we have added References. These are reusable configurations that can be referenced by multiple components.

Letโ€™s create a named resource frugal_apu so we can easily point to an older model for some agents.


kind: Reference
name: frugal_apu
implementation: 'ConversationalAPU'
force_json: 'True'
max_tokens: '3000'
model: gpt-3.5-turbo-1106
temperature: .1
max_num_function_calls: 20

Now within our agentโ€™s spec we can just reference this reference by name like we would any other component.

apu: frugal_apu

We can continue to override sub components as you would expect.

implementation: frugal_apu
max_num_function_calls: 10

Changing Default Components

Now what if you are a lean startup, and want to use the frugal_apu for all of your agents unless specified otherwise? You would prefer not to override the apu of every agent, you just want to set frugal_apu as the default apu.

kind: Reference
name: APU
spec: frugal_apu

This reference resource will change any component that references the APU to use our new frugal_apu instead of the default (ConversationalAPU).


Most recipes will have some form of customization. Here are a few examples that use it more heavily.

GitHub Repo Expert

The RepoSearch overrides its loader with a different implementation to be able to read from github. On top of this it then customizes the files this loader can read.