Description: A tool for interacting with a browser instance.
Requires a running browser service.
Exposes two tools to an Agent, one for navigating to a url and another for evaluating javascript on the current page. Browser sessions are durable throughout a process, but each process has its own browser, isolating browsers between agents.
Property | Pattern | Type | Deprecated | Definition | Title/Description |
+ implementation | No | const | No | - | Implementation |
- starting_url | No | string | No | - | Starting Url |
- browser_service_loc | No | string | No | - | Browser Service Loc |
- operation_description | No | string | No | - | Operation Description |
- content_summarizer | No | Combination | No | - | - |
1. Property implementation
Title: Implementation
Type | const |
Required | Yes |
Specific value: "BrowserV2"
2. Property starting_url
Title: Starting Url
Type | string |
Required | No |
Default | null |
3. Property browser_service_loc
Title: Browser Service Loc
Type | string |
Required | No |
Default | "http://localhost:7468" |
Description: The location of the playwright installation.
4. Property operation_description
Title: Operation Description
Type | string |
Required | No |
Default | "Perform the specified operation on the current page. The operation is executed using a playwright \"Page\" object.\n\nPrefer using fill / click to interact with the page over executing raw javascript when possible.\n\nREMEMBER: A selector can match multiple elements, and that the first element found will be interacted with. Be sure \nto specify an index if you are using a selector that could have multiple matches. For example, to find the second \ndiv with class \"foo\", you could use \"(//div[contains(@class, 'foo')])[2]\".\n\nThe current page url as of {datetime} is \"{url}\"" |
5. Property content_summarizer
Type | combining |
Required | No |
Additional properties | [Any type: allowed] |
Default | {"tool_description": "Summarize the current page (Current url: {url})", "mode": "BeautifulSoup", "encoding": "o200k_base", "token_limit": 8000} |
Any of(Option) |
Summarizer |
item 1 |
5.1. Property Summarizer
Type | object |
Required | No |
Additional properties | [Any type: allowed] |
Defined in | #/$defs/Summarizer |
Property | Pattern | Type | Deprecated | Definition | Title/Description |
- tool_description | No | string | No | - | Tool Description |
+ mode | No | enum (of string) | No | - | Mode |
- encoding | No | string | No | - | Encoding |
- token_limit | No | Combination | No | - | Token Limit |
5.1.1. Property tool_description
Title: Tool Description
Type | string |
Required | No |
Default | "Summarize the current page (Current url: {url})" |
5.1.2. Property mode
Title: Mode
Type | enum (of string) |
Required | Yes |
Must be one of:
- “BeautifulSoup”
- “noop”
5.1.3. Property encoding
Title: Encoding
Type | string |
Required | No |
Default | "o200k_base" |
Description: tiktoken encoding to use when counting tokens
5.1.4. Property token_limit
Title: Token Limit
Type | combining |
Required | No |
Additional properties | [Any type: allowed] |
Default | 8000 |
Description: The maximum number of message tokens to sent respond with Property item 0
Type | integer |
Required | No | Property item 1
Type | null |
Required | No |
5.2. Property item 1
Type | null |
Required | No |