1. Property implementation
Title: Implementation
Specific value: "OllamaLLMUnit"
2. Property model
| |
Type | Reference[LLMModel] |
Required | No |
Default | {"implementation": "eidolon_ai_sdk.apu.llm_unit.LLMModel"} |
3. Property temperature
Title: Temperature
| |
Type | number |
Required | No |
Default | 0.3 |
4. Property force_json
Title: Force Json
| |
Type | boolean |
Required | No |
Default | true |
5. Property max_tokens
Title: Max Tokens
| |
Type | integer |
Required | No |
Default | null |
6. Property host
Title: Host
| |
Type | string |
Required | No |
Default | null |
Description: Running Ollama location. Defaults to envar OLLAMA_HOST with fallback to if that is not set.
7. Property client_options
| |
Type | object |
Required | No |
Additional properties | [Any type: allowed] |
Default | {"numa": null, "num_ctx": null, "num_batch": null, "num_gpu": null, "main_gpu": null, "low_vram": null, "f16_kv": null, "logits_all": null, "vocab_only": null, "use_mmap": null, "use_mlock": null, "embedding_only": null, "num_thread": null, "num_keep": null, "seed": null, "num_predict": null, "top_k": null, "top_p": null, "tfs_z": null, "typical_p": null, "repeat_last_n": null, "temperature": null, "repeat_penalty": null, "presence_penalty": null, "frequency_penalty": null, "mirostat": null, "mirostat_tau": null, "mirostat_eta": null, "penalize_newline": null, "stop": null} |
Defined in | #/$defs/OllamaOptions |
Description: Additional arguments when calling ollama.AsyncClient.chat
Description: Additional arguments when calling ollama.AsyncClient.chat
7.1. Property numa
Title: Numa
| |
Type | boolean |
Required | No |
Default | null |
7.2. Property num_ctx
Title: Num Ctx
| |
Type | integer |
Required | No |
Default | null |
7.3. Property num_batch
Title: Num Batch
| |
Type | integer |
Required | No |
Default | null |
7.4. Property num_gpu
Title: Num Gpu
| |
Type | integer |
Required | No |
Default | null |
7.5. Property main_gpu
Title: Main Gpu
| |
Type | integer |
Required | No |
Default | null |
7.6. Property low_vram
Title: Low Vram
| |
Type | boolean |
Required | No |
Default | null |
7.7. Property f16_kv
Title: F16 Kv
| |
Type | boolean |
Required | No |
Default | null |
7.8. Property logits_all
Title: Logits All
| |
Type | boolean |
Required | No |
Default | null |
7.9. Property vocab_only
Title: Vocab Only
| |
Type | boolean |
Required | No |
Default | null |
7.10. Property use_mmap
Title: Use Mmap
| |
Type | boolean |
Required | No |
Default | null |
7.11. Property use_mlock
Title: Use Mlock
| |
Type | boolean |
Required | No |
Default | null |
7.12. Property embedding_only
Title: Embedding Only
| |
Type | boolean |
Required | No |
Default | null |
7.13. Property num_thread
Title: Num Thread
| |
Type | integer |
Required | No |
Default | null |
7.14. Property num_keep
Title: Num Keep
| |
Type | integer |
Required | No |
Default | null |
7.15. Property seed
Title: Seed
| |
Type | integer |
Required | No |
Default | null |
7.16. Property num_predict
Title: Num Predict
| |
Type | integer |
Required | No |
Default | null |
7.17. Property top_k
Title: Top K
| |
Type | integer |
Required | No |
Default | null |
7.18. Property top_p
Title: Top P
| |
Type | number |
Required | No |
Default | null |
7.19. Property tfs_z
Title: Tfs Z
| |
Type | number |
Required | No |
Default | null |
7.20. Property typical_p
Title: Typical P
| |
Type | number |
Required | No |
Default | null |
7.21. Property repeat_last_n
Title: Repeat Last N
| |
Type | integer |
Required | No |
Default | null |
7.22. Property temperature
Title: Temperature
| |
Type | number |
Required | No |
Default | null |
7.23. Property repeat_penalty
Title: Repeat Penalty
| |
Type | number |
Required | No |
Default | null |
7.24. Property presence_penalty
Title: Presence Penalty
| |
Type | number |
Required | No |
Default | null |
7.25. Property frequency_penalty
Title: Frequency Penalty
| |
Type | number |
Required | No |
Default | null |
7.26. Property mirostat
Title: Mirostat
| |
Type | integer |
Required | No |
Default | null |
7.27. Property mirostat_tau
Title: Mirostat Tau
| |
Type | number |
Required | No |
Default | null |
7.28. Property mirostat_eta
Title: Mirostat Eta
| |
Type | number |
Required | No |
Default | null |
7.29. Property penalize_newline
Title: Penalize Newline
| |
Type | boolean |
Required | No |
Default | null |
7.30. Property stop
Title: Stop
| |
Type | array of string |
Required | No |
Default | null |
| Array restrictions |
Min items | N/A |
Max items | N/A |
Items unicity | False |
Additional items | False |
Tuple validation | See below |
Each item of this array must be | Description |
stop items | - |
7.30.1. stop items